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Find Your Inner #BossLady

We are happy to be part of it!

Mittwoch, 6. März 2019 18:30 bis 21:00

j.jackman & Mind the Gap & Finmarie in cooperation with Hays, invite you to an evening of inspirations and the greatest networking among successful women! Could you imagine a better way to celebrate International Women's Day?

What to Expect:

Amazing female speakers - 3 CEOs + Powerful Female REFUGEE & TEDx speaker - will provide their stories and first hand experiences, but there is a Time LIMIT, everything will run at a 3 x Beat:

9 min. speech 3 min. Q&A 9 min. networking

- > FREE drinks and catering (sponsored by Hays). - > Entrance is FREE, but space is limited, so please RSVP in advance.

Come over and enjoy networking!

Veni, vidi, vici! - Great Prizes to win for Participants!

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